Tuesday, July 8, 2008


What is it about seeing people fall that makes others laugh? There’s a show on TV called “Wipe-Out” and I find it hilarious. My entire family gathers to have a good laugh at others expense. I think what I enjoy the most is when the arrogant individuals turf it. It’s what I call poetic justice. One of our favorite parts is where the contestants leap onto huge red balls. There are four in a row and they are required to hop across to a platform. We have only seen one person accomplish the task. The rest bounce off into the awaiting water below. The commentators are hysterical. They have perfect comedic timing. It’s prerecorded, so I know they have time to think of what to say, but seriously…they picked great individuals to do the job.

If you need a good laugh watch Wipe-Out, unless you feel sympathy pain. It looks pretty painful at times. Hilariously painful! Am I horrible to laugh at the humiliation of others? Oh well, they’d laugh at me. Besides, it’s great to watch after dealing with customers that you want to punch in the face. There are several I’d like to see get thrown off the big red balls or face-plant it in the mud. Maybe I should set up a Wipe-Out course at work. Mwah ha ha! Genius!


Katie said...

That's too funny. My creative writing teacher used to say that the one big difference between comedy and tragedy was distance. (As in, many things that are painful when they're happening to us are downright hilarious when they happen to others)

And also, a favorite quote from Mel Brooks: "Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall into an open sewer and die."

Janint said...

We just watch that show last night on the internet (so it was an old one),. .. anyway, it's really funny to see those people! Yes I laughed hard :)

Lisa said...

Guess what I'm 'watching' at work on the web right now... ha ha it's so great!

Alisha said...

One of my favorite shows. I love it!!

Lanae said...

Besides making me makes me hurt (sympathy pains). I would love to know how they feel the day after. I think it is good to have a release esp. after hard days.

Serket said...

I remember a game show like that where the hosts were funny. It seems like they made fun of a girl from New Jersey because she was cussing.