Thursday, July 10, 2008

Frozen Insanity

I’m currently eating an otter pop. The flavor is jazzy Louie-Bloo Raspberry so my tongue has a blue tint. I haven’t had one of these sugary treats for years. My mom purchased it from our little neighbor kids. Maybe I should try selling some to make a few extra bucks. I’m telling you, it’s good, but I have a sugar headache. It’s strange, really. When I was little, I would eat popsicles and then proceed to bounce off the walls. Now I just get a headache. Where did the good days go? I want to bounce off walls again. Maybe I could spend a couple minutes in the local Behavioral Health Institute. Perhaps they’d let me spend some time in a seclusion room where I could bounce off walls that are padded. Although after watching me leap around the room, they might have me committed. Looking on the bright side, when I’ve finished bouncing and show them that I’m indeed rational and sagacious, they could give me a certificate that says, “Annie is not insane. She merely ate an otter pop.”


Alisha said...

I had an Otter Pop on the 4th of July. It's the first one I've had in years! It was green, although I don't remember what flavor, and since I already had a headache, I don't know if it gave me one. Anyway, I did enjoy it, as I'm sure you enjoyed yours!