Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Six Months and Counting

Once upon a time there was a young woman. She was preparing to enter the realm of peaceful slumber. Lowering her weary body onto the bed, she willed it to relax. Slowly her eyelids drifted shut when suddenly she heard a soft tap at her door. “Come in.” “Annie, there is an incredible storm outside. I just thought you might want to watch.” And so the young woman jolted out of bed and ran outside to enjoy.

My new roommates and I spent the evening storm-watching which happens to be one of my favorite things to do. We stood on our back porch mesmerized by the show…well; I crawled up on the roof. The other ladies wouldn’t come with me for fear of being struck by lightning. I only stayed there for a few minutes since the lightning did in fact creep increasingly closer. Personally, I do not want to become a lightning rod (not that I’m tall enough. The lightning would probably look at me and laugh. “You’re the shortest lightning rod I’ve ever seen!” You know it’s late when I start anthropomorphizing a storm.). Anyway, it was eerily beautiful! Both of my roomies said that whenever they see a storm, they inevitably think of me. And so we joked, “It’s raining…Annie, come here!” “Oh look, there’s a thunderstorm…Annie, come watch!!” “A tornado is coming this way…ANNIE; you’re supposed to run AWAY from the tornado!” We all agreed that of the three of us, I would be the one to be a tornado chaser. I, seriously, would be at the front of the action (like in the movie Twister), in the barn, holding on to a dinky water pipe, staring at the inside of a tornado, with Bill Pullman who we decided is more attractive than Bill Paxton, which is why he’s the one in the barn holding onto the pipe with me instead of the latter. That was quite the run on sentence. Anyway, it was a wonderful memory for our new home. I hope there are many more storms that we can enjoy together!

Speaking of enjoyment, it has been 6 months to the day since I started this blog. I’ve shared some of my own personal memories and I’ve made new ones along the way. I don’t regret starting this writing adventure. It’s been a wonderful release for me and a great way to stay connected with other wonderful bloggers. I thoroughly enjoy writing and starting this blog half a year ago let me begin the love affair anew.

Here’s to the next six months! May they be as fun as the last!


Jewelsp said...

You may be a short lightning rod, but you'd be the best-looking! That was so much fun watching the storm last night! It will be a very good memory. Alas, if only we really could get Bill Pullman...

Lanae said...

Happy 6 months of blogging. Thank you for allowing us to laugh, cry, and be a part of your life (and thoughts). You always make me smile and laugh. I love you!

Janint said...

Congratulations for those 6 months as a blogger! Thanks for sharing part of your life with us.
I love storms, specially when I'm in bed all comfy and cozy and I can hear and see the lightening. And you and Shane are crazy, he also likes the Twister movie because he wants to be a tornado catcher!

Major Bubbles said...

Congratulations! I only can say I hope there are many more fun ones to come.

My Boys, Life's Joys said...

You are so cute, haha. We were watching the storm too. It was crazy huh! I just LOVE storms, seriously, it's weird how much I love them. We should be friends. I woke Steve up and I was like, "I think our apartment is going to be swallowed up by a tornado! Come look at this! It's awesome!" We watched from inside this time, but sometimes when there's a good down-pour I can't resist going out and dancing around in it like a psycho. There's nothing like getting completely drenched from the rain on purpose.

I like watching storms as they get closer and closer, and then seeing them move on to give a show to the inhabitants of the next city. I always hope that it wakes them up too, so they can enjoy it as much as I did. Once I actually saw lightning strike a few feet away from me. I was driving during a crazy storm one night, and saw lightning strike a really tall light post in front of Lagoon. It was AMAZING! It made this huge pop and the light just exploded! It looked like a firework!

Anyways, I'm done nerding out. For now. I just love reading your stuff. I always get a good laugh. You just make me happy!

Serket said...

I enjoyed your first paragraph.
Congratulations on six months of blogging and since I am so late in responding, you are now over one year!

I hope you are enjoying the house with your roommates. It looks like you moved out about one month before me and I am staying in a one bedroom apartment.

I enjoy both Twister (Paxton) and Independence Day (Pullman).