Friday, July 11, 2008

Happy Free Slurpee Day!

Unfortunately, I haven't had the greatest day. I'm irritable and frustrated. First of all, I'm working on my day off. I have a blind date tonight and I don't want to go (Hopefully, it won't end in horror like the last one. It's not looking promising.). Rude people have called and yelled at me. Some haven't even been customers. I had some delivery guy chew me out for something that wasn't even work related. My blood pressure is through the roof. It's probably gone further than that. And I didn't get a free slurpee. Oh well, I've heard they're the size of a thimble. I guess I'm not missing out on much in that department. Besides, with the way prices are rising, free probably means they cost 50 cents.

Thankfully I have wonderful friends who are there when I need them. You know who you are, so I won't embarrass you by sharing names. Thank you so much! Your thoughtfulness brightened my day! I am extremely grateful for friends like you!

Just for the record, (I'm sure you already know this.) ice cream makes everything better. Unless you're lactose intolerant. It's a dang good thing I'm not allergic to dairy. My brother is lactose intolerant. We were discussing this a couple weeks ago. Apparently, the makers of soy ice cream don't believe in giving flavor options. Neither do the makers of sugar-free ice cream (my dad is diabetic). My brother said, "What? Do they think that just because I'm allergic to milk that also means I'm allergic to flavor?" My response, "Can't...handle...flavor. Need...Epinephrine...shot." This is now a family joke. "Sorry, I can't have that. It has flavor."

So if you too are having "one of those" days, eat some ice cream. Unless you're flavor intolerant. Then eat some tofu. That will really make your day better (Can you sense the sarcasm?).


Unknown said...

I am pretty sure if the world ate more ice cream, we could figure out a way to establish permanent peace, cure cancer and stop global warming. Because ice cream is THAT good! :-)

Brea Marie said...

Hey just wanted to let you know, every weekend this month, Orange Julius is giving FREE samples of Strawberry Lemonade Julius from 12-4pm. And on Tuesday, Wienersnitzel is offering your choice of a hot dog or an ice cream for free. I am totally addicted to getting things for free! Although, you do have to pay for the gas to get there, but hey, at least we don't have to pay for the food when we get there! Hope you enjoy free stuff too! Enjoy Annie!

Janint said...

I actually like tofu! And I love root beer floats. We had many in the last week. With sugar free root beer and light ice cream, believe or not still tastes good, without the guilt :)

Serket said...

Ice cream still tastes good even if you can't tolerate lactose. :-) I don't remember if I had a slurpee on 7-11-08, but the free cups are small. I hope your blind date went well.