Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Meat Market

Have you ever wanted to write something but the words didn’t want to leave the cozy mush in your noggin? It feels as if someone kidnapped the words I long to use and is holding them ransom. Can you jump-start your brain? Does anyone have any jumper cables? It would have to be today, too. Wednesdays are ideal days to write my blog, because I only work until mid-morning. Therefore, I have the rest of the day to devote to other things. Of course, the cranial blockage would occur when I have enough time to waste in front of this humming box. (Sigh) But, I’ve said it before and I’ll surely say it again, “Such is life.”

Oh, wait! I just got an idea. I have discovered in life that there is no winning for losing. Those of you who have been faithful readers know how frustrating I find the dating world. How can you tell that someone is attracted to you? How do you let them know you’re attracted to them without throwing your heart on the floor and doing the Cha-cha on top? I have been watching others to see how they accomplish this feat and have been trying to weave the techniques into the loom that is my life. (Wow, I sure use a lot of metaphors) I noticed during the “people watching” that others were watching me.

While singing in my car two weeks ago, I glanced out the passenger window at the car next to mine. There were 4 young men ogling me. Yes, ogling. Normal girls would find this of the ultimate flattery. I find it entirely degrading. Sure, it’s nice to feel attractive. But when you have been metaphorically turned into grade-A meat, it makes you feel like you’re hanging on a rack in a freezer. What do they think I am, rump roast? Prime rib? Sirloin steak? Would I be considered rare or well done? Either way, I quickly looked away from the apes with their tongues hanging out. Gross! Over the course of the next couple weeks, I noticed not one or two but approximately ten cars with similar primates. Each checked me out as I did everything in my power not to pull a less than desirable face at them. Ignoring was my ultimate defense. These unwanted moments made me think, “Why don’t good guys notice me like that?” The fact that they are GOOD GUYS answers that question.

I’ve heard that men do not like to be referred to as “good guys”. With good girls (those girls like my friends and I), it is a sincere compliment that describes those men who live their religion, are trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, reverent, and praiseworthy. We are seeking after these men. I can’t say if good guys notice me (sometimes I wish I could), because “good guys” do not OGLE girls. They send an appreciative glance, a smile, or a compliment (these are a few of MY favorite things). My dad told me that the difference between meat-lovers and good guys is respect. Good guys respect women and therefore look at them different. Meat-lovers look at women with only lust. Just to clarify, meat-lovers can also be women. I feel bad for the poor men who are caught in their lecherous gaze because I understand the feeling. “Look! It’s meat. Grab the cheap barbecue sauce and we’ll devour her with our eyes.” Degrading. As soon as they pull out the Steak sauce, I feel like giving them a roundhouse kick in the face. I would much rather have the guy respect me and treat me thus than eyeball me with a bottle of Western Family BBQ sauce.

And so it is, I send out my appreciation to all of the good guys out there. You are who true good girls are looking for. Thank you for not gawking at us. Please feel free to smile, glance appreciatively, and by all means, compliment us as much as you want. We LOVE it!


Lanae said...

You make me laugh! Once again, I enjoyed reading your blog.

Janel said...

It's so true! There are guys I know (the stink that surpasseth all that stinketh is one) who I don't want to be around because I feel so uncomfortable. And then there are guys who are just as you said. Good, handsome, praiseworthy. Yay for you guys! Boo to the others!

Ryan said...

Hmmmmm . . . I guess I'll have to stop growling at my wife and saying "hello, hello" when she walks by. Nuts. I do enjoy that Western Family BBQ Sauce. :(