Monday, February 4, 2008

Life’s Little Hugs

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. When life gives you hugs, hug back. I had an event occur today that I would consider a "life hug". I was leaving work when I fell into step with an older gentleman. He glanced at me and I smiled as I normally would at a complete stranger. Sometimes, the unknown person will lift a corner of their mouth in return. This gentleman gave me a 1000-watt grin. So, I struck up a conversation that went as follows:
Annie: "Hello, how are you?"
Nice Old Gentleman: "I'm doing well, and how are you today?"
A: "I'm great!"
NOM: "That is so good to hear. It makes those of us that feel the same even happier."
A: "Thank you! That was sweet of you to say."
NOM: "My dear, you continue having a great day and be very careful."
A: "I will and you do the same."

A simple conversation, a day brightened, one of life's little hugs. Sadly, it's not a common occurrence.

People have become increasingly self-absorbed. I would say about 65% of the people that enter my place of employment don't say "Hi". They can't return a greeting that takes less than a second to say. How hard is it to return a little common courtesy? It's not hard at all! It is thrilling to see someone come in that is smiling. Someone that is kind to me. I LOVE helping them and am even more willing to go out of my way to assist them with what they need. That nice gentleman returned not only a bright smile, but also a few kind words. And that made all the difference! I hope when others think of me, they think of a kind young woman who is always ready and willing to give a smile and a hug and offer a listening ear. Not that I'm going to start giving hugs to my customers. I think I'd get fired.

Well, my friends, I wish to ask you a question. What would my wonderful readers like me to write about this final week of the blogathon? I'm up for anything! (Well, almost anything.) If you leave me some good ideas, I will do my best to write about each one. If you decide not to participate, you will be stuck with whatever leaps from my imagination. That could be quite scary. Can you live with that?


Janel said...

You should do an entire post in biblical language. You know with, "And there was much rejoicing in the land," and "His stink surpasseth all that stinketh." That's a good idea. Wait, maybe I should to that. No, you do it.

Major Bubbles said...

I'm glad you enjoyed your conversation with a Gnome today (NOM). Maybe you could write about why gnomes.

Anonymous said... about your favorite character on The Simpsons (Ryan would like that)or what Super Hero you would want to be. On a more personal level, you could tell your most embarrassing moment, the funniest or the scariest...etc. Annie, no matter what topic anyone suggests, you will take the challenge and do it well.