Thursday, March 27, 2008

Lifelong Search

I learn daily that I lack patience. Don’t get me wrong. I have a lot more than in my youth. But I have a LONG way to go. As I was driving home, I decided to write a poem about that specific virtue. It isn’t the best poem, but I had a lot of fun writing it.

Lifelong Search

Hands were wrung like napkins,
Feet paced across the floor;
Anxiously I’ve waited,
For the knock upon my door.

So I decided not to wait.
I would begin my journey,
Hoping it was not my fate
To end up on a gurney.

I checked for it by a tree.
I searched from limb to root.
It wasn’t there, I kicked the trunk
And hopped away on one foot.

Under a rock, behind a bush,
It hid from me too well.
A thorn pricked my finger hard.
I stifled back a yell.

The next obvious place to look
Would have to be the shed.
I bent to look by the mower
But instead I bonked my head.

With a hand glued to my temple,
A finger between my lips,
I hobbled, and thought, “Patience,
It’s one of my hardships.

In order to get patience
They say it must be tried.
But my patience failed the test.
I truly think it died.”

It is an oxymoron,
To wait impatiently,
For patience to come to the door,
Looking to set one free.

Through life’s little lessons
We learn what we need to know.
You may be learning patience
When you stub a toe.


Serket said...

I hope you weren't writing and driving. :)

Janel said...

You're impatient.

I like that. :)

Jewelsp said...

I want patience and I want it right now, dang it!!!

Good job Annie! It was fun to read!

Lanae said...

Grandma Stone always said, "You can't leave this life without learning patience." Every time I get out of patience....I can hear her voice in the back of my mind. You are a lot more patient than you think. ;)

Tawni said...

haha I love it!