Saturday, March 1, 2008


I am into details. I see little things, things that normal people might not notice. Well, I went to a wedding tonight. It was beautiful. The bride and groom were glowing. The colors were red, black, and white…very elegant. The decorations were impeccably placed. The cake was white and black, square and tiered across the table. Professional pictures were spread around the room. Quilts cascaded from various easels. The dessert was to die for (literally, I think I died). Everyone was beaming and sighing casting glances at his or her significant other. My friend caught the bouquet (I didn’t even try). I felt very small.

The past two days I have been plagued with feelings of inadequacy. Especially when it comes to relationships. Have you ever liked someone and yet felt that you just aren’t good enough? This has been my constant thought the past couple days. I mentioned in one of my earlier blogs that I like someone. This hasn’t changed; I am not a fickle person. However, I have been feeling that I just don’t measure up. As I watched the miracle of love recognized, I shrunk into myself. Lately, I have tried to push myself out of my comfort zone. But as I watched the joy around me, I felt myself step back into my proverbial cage. This is something every girl wants. Marriage. But, all of the sudden, I was scared. How could I ever be a good enough wife or mother? I have so many flaws. How could I lift someone else when I have a hard enough time dealing with my emotions?

Satan is doing everything in his power to drag me down. I felt that writing these feelings down might give me power over them. I have been so happy lately. But I feel as if he took a 2x4 and smacked me. He knows me so well and that terrifies me. He knows that my self worth is an area that can cause me to shrink. And so the attack comes. “Why would an incredible young man ever look twice at you? Why would you think that he would choose you over the other amazing young women? You are not worth the time or effort. Obviously, no one tries.”

That may sound incredibly harsh, but it’s what he’s been barraging me with. I’m trying to fight these feelings, but it’s hard when some of the comments hit so close to home. I know that I am a daughter of God. I keep trying to focus on the fact that no matter what, I am loved. I keep praying for patience, strength, guidance and the ability to overcome these feelings. I know that the Lord will not give us more than we can handle. I just have to keep faith that He will help me better myself. I can become the person I need to be. At least, I hope so!


Jewelsp said...

Annie, many single women have these same fears that you have expressed so eloquently. We see the many good traits that other women possess and then, in comparison, find ourselves lacking. Please keep in mind however, that the same people we admire often feel as inadequate as we do. We get so blinded by our own faults that we fail to see the good things about ourselves.
Having said that, and knowing you, I have no doubt whatsoever that you are more than capable of handling whatever roles in life you are given. You will be a wonderful wife and mother. A fantastic, un-blind man will see all the amazing traits that you possess. Just as you said at the end of your blog, if we have faith we will receive the patience and strength we are seeking. Just hang in there! Love ya!

Kristen said...

I mean this completely and totally sincerely. You will be an amazing, amazing catch for the right guy.Because you are amazing. Let me know if you ever need to hear that again, I'm more than willing.

Kristen said...

that was kristen, by the way :)

Alisha said...

Oh Annie...I have told you so many times how amazing I think you are, and I know you know that. I remember being 6 years old and finding out that Mom was having a baby. I already had a brother, and I prayed desperately that you would be my little sister...and you were!! Even at 6 I knew that Heavenly Father knew me and would bless me. Now, I haven't always remembered that. I went through many of the same inadequate feelings that you are having. I hated feeling like guys wouldn't date me because of my size, my talents, my spirituality, whatever. I actually had some guys tell me that I would make the perfect wife/mother, but that they couldn't date me. WHAT?? I've often wondered if that's what has happened to you as well. Please don't let Satan's knowledge of your weaknesses take control of your strengths. You are a beautiful Daughter of God (yes...I capitalized it on purpose). You have a strong testimony of His Gospel and you are living worthy to enter His holy Temple. Keep in mind that because of that, Satan is trying even harder to prevent you from entering a place where he cannot. Keep it up and don't lose your sweet testimony. I love you so much. I'm so glad that you feel like you can talk to me. I am always here for you.

Lanae said...

I read your blog and it made me feel so sad. I live with you and so I know what an awesome daughter you are. You have so much going for you. You're beautiful, talented, so full of love, and very spiritual. You're Testimony has touched each one of us (in the family). Not only through word, but also through the beautiful way you express yourself on the piano. I feel very blessed to have you for a daughter. For that reason...I say...tell Satan to go away. I know it is hard to do, but keep focused in a positive direction and do things that help you to feel better about yourself. You ARE a worthy daughter of our Heavenly Father. You have so much to give as a wife and mother. It will happen! goes the parent advice...(like Julie said) Hang in There! Keep Positive! Keep your Testimony Strong. Read the scriptures faithfully and pray. Pray for strength to over come the feelings of inadequacy. Remember the saying that Dad and I have….”If Ye lift me, then I’ll lift Ye and We’ll ascend together.” Some lucky man will see those beautiful traits that you have and it will all work out in the end. Be patient! I love you!

Serket said...

Just from reading your blog for a few weeks you seem like a great woman. You seem to go on dates often and that's good, keep doing it and eventually you will find an ideal partner.

Just try to focus on what is right in your life. You are a good writer, seem to have several close friends, you are working and doing fun activities.