Friday, September 5, 2008


This poem could have several meanings. I am happy to say I only had one event that sparked this piece of writing. But, honestly, I can’t wait to hear your interpretation.


Do you think I have all day;
That I sit and wait for you?
Do you think this is a game;
Something I choose to do?

Do you think I have the time
Or the patience to wait this long?
You promised you would come today.
By believing you, I was wrong.

The sound of screeching brakes
Cause me once again to hope.
I watch you slow, then drive away.
Feeling rejected, I sit and mope.

I imagine why you’d lie to me.
You were one I could always trust.
But on you, I see I can’t depend.
Disappointment on me is thrust.

This really isn’t fair to me.
Am I just a name to you?
I’m done. I’ve decisively had enough!
I can finally say, “I’m through!”

I’m interested to see what all of you wonderful readers think I’m talking about. Initially, I wanted to give this poem a different title, but it would have given everything away. Should I tell you? Or should I let you guess? Hmmm…I’m going to let you guess. Imagine away, dear friends! Make your interpretations as wild as you desire. I will let you know in my next blog if you are correct or if you’re out in left field.


Heather~Marie said...

Well, I want to make a guess as to a certain person that this is aimed at...but it's very likely that I'm wrong...and that person will also see his/her name and that will be interesting anyways. But I have a feeling it is towards a certain person that you felt close to last year. Like that helps :) Anyways. Good job on writing it out so straight-forward :) I wish I was a poet! :)

Janint said...

Sounds like you are trying to close a chapter in your life, even though you wish you didn't have to. So there's my guess :)

Lanae said...

Excellent poem. The only thing missing is music. This would make a great "love" song! I love it!

Tawni said... were waiting for a blind date to pick you up? No, no, I changed my mind. I have no idea. Please post with the answer soon!

Th. said...


You were waiting for a FedEx package.