Friday, September 12, 2008

The Young and The Addicted

My coworkers and I have been joking about whether our place of business is in fact a Pharmacy…or a Soap Opera (as you can see in my friend, Janel’s, post). We’ve decided to call it “The Young and the Addicted”. While at work yesterday, I began writing lyrics for our “Broadway episode”. This song (the first I’ve created for the show, thus far) focuses on the excuses people make in order get their medications early (which usually consist of narcotics and/or controlled substances). Enjoy! I certainly did.

Sing to the tune of “America” from the musical, West Side Story. It starts with the chorus:

You need to give me my drugs right now.
They fell and went down the sink somehow.
You need to give me my meds early,
Because this isn't my fault, you see.

I know this is gonna sound odd.
I swear I'm not some kind of fraud.
I know my meds are not on time.
I think they were stolen by a mime.


My daughter got into them twice.
Mom was in pain; I was being nice.
I forgot them at my friends’ house.
They must have been eaten by a mouse.


The throbbing pain came back again
Instead of one I just took ten.
The patch stopped working, what could I do?
I need the meds, so I chewed through.


I took more pain meds 'cause I fell.
Twenty-Fifth Street is where I sell.
I know pharmacies have strict rules,
But I consider you all fools!


The End! Unless, however, I think of more songs for our soap opera. I’m sure it will inevitably happen, so stay tuned!


Jewelsp said...

Lol! Can't wait for more musical numbers, only, I was slightly disappointed at the lack of beer in this song. I seem to remember that being a strong theme in another rendition of "America."

Katie said...

I love it! If I ever write a world-famous silly novel, I'll pay you to crank out some parody-songs for it ;)

Janel said...

I love the song! (Even though I heard it before you posted it.) But Julie's right! It's missing beer! Oh the humanity!

Darn those customers who want their narcotics early...

Alisha said...

Three comments already!! Holy Frijoles, you're popular! I LOVE your song and I can't wait for either more verses or new additions! Now I know where my kids get their inspiration and talent from!

Kristen said...

I love it.

Annie said...

Don't worry, ladies! I'll talk about beer in the next song. I mean, we all know you don't mix alcohol and medication, right? ;)

And Confuzzled, I'll crank out a song for you anytime! Especially if you pay me!

Lanae said...

I loved reading this blog as well as hearing you sing it (in person). :D Since life can be a major soap opera and I'm going to bed now and you work for a pharmacy, then maybe a sequel could be "One Night to Live" (or sleep in my case). Lame comment this time. ;)

Amy Lyne said...

Oh, it brings back horrible memories...I definitely don't miss that sort of drama from the patients! Your song definitely made me giggle.

Major Bubbles said...

My graciousness! It was hilarious! The reviews are pooring in, and I'd have to say your broadway show's recieving five stars, and two enthusiastic thumbs up!

Annica said...

UGH!! Why THAT song??? I tried to repress those memories but now all I can think about is a bunch of druggies flipping their skirts around and throwing pills to the audience..... not pretty.

Jewelsp said...

Hi! I tagged you on my blog about quirks. enjoy!

Serket said...

One of my second cousins is going to school to be a pharmacist.

Oddly, it surprises me that you and your friends talk about beer!