Sunday, October 5, 2008

Move On and Press Forward

Have you ever felt an overwhelming amount of love from someone as they proceeded to turn you around and give you a swift kick in the butt? I experienced that yesterday and today. The Semiannual General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints just ended and I feel spiritually edified and also thoroughly chastened. But that’s what I asked for. This may sound silly to you or maybe you do the same, but I prayed that the areas where I need to improve would be made known to me. Let’s just say that almost every talk screamed, “THIS IS FOR YOU, ANNIE!” I can definitely say that my prayers are answered.

The past few months have been relatively difficult for me. I say relatively because in comparison to others, my trials seem minuscule. Many of the tribulations have been due to, well, me. Apparently, I don’t deal well with change. This past little while (amidst much change), I’ve found myself dwelling on the past and letting little things irritate me. I’ve taken offense where no offense was intended. I’ve felt alone and forgotten. The list goes on and on, but I really don’t want to share all of my many flaws with you. Luckily, I realized that I was letting Satan drag me down. He can be so good at that and that scares me. To fight against those thoughts, I have been trying to do better; to be better. But it has been difficult.

There were so many topics and quotes that struck me. I’d like to share a few things that I wrote down, because in explaining my thoughts to you they become clearer to me. Elder D. Todd Christofferson quoted President Thomas S. Monson when he said, “In the private sanctuary of one’s own conscience lies that spirit, that determination to cast off the old person and to measure up to the stature of true potential.” As I have been more “in tune” to the private sanctuary of my own conscience, I have come to know that I have enormous potential, greater than I can even imagine. Otherwise, why would Satan work so hard to destroy my self-worth? Recognizing the determination I have inside, it’s my responsibility to measure up.

So what about my irritations? What do I do when people hurt me? Robert D. Hales said, "A kind letter to the editor, a conversation with a friend, a comment on a blog, or a reassuring word to one who has made a disparaging comment; I assure you, to answer our accusers in this way is never weakness. It is Christian courage in action." He talked about being and staying on the high ground. In order to do this, I need to resist my anger, forgive myself and others (especially those who meant no offense), and turn the other cheek. But from experience, I know I can’t do these things alone. I need the Saviors help. The Atonement is not just for sin. It’s also for sorrow. I need to put those burdens on the Lord. He already suffered. He won’t suffer more.

Most of all, I need to stop dwelling on the past. As President Thomas S. Monson said, "Let us relish life as we live it, find joy in the journey and share our love with friends and family." That also ties in to what Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin said, “Learn to laugh.” In Backward Glances, I wrote about how I tend to make myself laugh. I need to use this to my advantage. Laughing is a wonderful gift and I know that it will help me find joy in the journey.

Thank you, friends, for sharing with me your trials and triumphs. Your blogs inspire me to be better and also let me know that I’m not alone in struggles. President Henry B. Eyring quoted Mosiah 18:21, “And he commanded them that there should be no contention one with another, but that they should look forward with one eye, having one faith and one baptism, having their hearts knit together in unity and in love one towards another.” If we (in unity) follow the Savior, we can become what He wants us to be, collectively and as individuals. President Dieter F. Uchtdorf stated, “If only we could glimpse for a moment what the Lord has in store for us in this life and the next, our faith would never be shaken and our hope would never falter.” There are great things in store for us. We just have to move on and press forward!


Katie said...

And if you ever find yourself have a hard time laughing or being grateful, just think of Elder Wirthlin's talk and that story about his daughter's "blind date"! (Because you'll laugh while thinking of the story, and then be grateful you've never done such a thing)

Annie said...

Ha Ha!! So true. I've had some bad blind dates in my time, but that...hilarious! And you're right. Thankfully I've never done that. But with my track record I wouldn't be surprised. ;)

Janel said...

I definitely agree. I had my own share of elevating this weekend. And (to quote Brother Simon) I was elevated when the spirit planted a boot on my fanny. That's the best part of conference. :)

Amy Lyne said...

I just love Conference too! Isn't it just so great? Hey, it was good to see you last weekend, even for a short while. You looked really nice & everyone was really sad to know they had missed you! Hopefully you can make it to the friend Thanksgiving dinner this year!

Alisha said...

Thank you for that amazing, uplifting blog, Annie. You are an incredible person (and sister!) and I know that you can get through these hard times. It sounds like conference has helped you make a step in the right direction, and you know that we are all praying for you. I love you!

Lanae said...

I enjoyed reading your comments. It is so nice (as a parent) to know that your children enjoy conference. I love conference weekend. You keep writing these great blogs and they will have you giving a talk. :D I love you, Annie and keep pressing forward.

Brea Marie said...

My best 'This is for you, Brea' moment was President Uchtdorf's talk. My new mantra is 'HOPE'. I have since been repeating it to myself over and over. Thanks for sharing your feelings about conference. You always say the best things.

Janint said...

Thanks for sharing your feelings about General Conference. You are right there were som many inspired talks. I wrote many things in a notebook, but right now it just comes to my mind one of the things Pres. Utchdorf said: "Hope leads to good works. Have Faith, Love, Charity." That was a great blog!

Serket said...

I found a tribute to Wirthlin that mentions his daughter's date story: