Friday, May 2, 2008

Vitamin D

The past week and a half, I’ve been thinking of blog topics. There are many subjects I would love to write about, but not things I wish to share with everyone. Sometimes an idea strikes me and writing comes smoothly. This hasn’t been the case as of late. I just haven’t felt like writing. That isn’t normal for me. So I decided to just write whatever pops into my mind and that could be very interesting considering I’m on medication for a sinus infection. I just got a phone call from my choir director who could tell right away that I’m battling sickness (Ok, I just had a vision of me sword fighting a horde of bacteria. And I was wearing a cape.). He instructed me to put my face in the sun; soak in some Vitamin D. So that, my friends, is what I’m doing. I started by just sticking my head out the door which promptly gave some unwelcome flies the opportunity to enter (Sorry Mom!). So I’ve opted to take my entire person outdoors.

I’m lying on a slope in our backyard typing away on my laptop (something I’ve wanted to do for a long time). The sun is shining and the breeze is rustling through long blades of grass. We should probably mow the lawn. The print of the blanket I’m on has miniature candy bars. It’s giving me serious chocolate cravings. I tried to eat the blanket once, but it just tasted like cotton. Have you ever tasted cotton? I’ve never tried to eat a cotton ball, but I bet if it was dipped in chocolate it wouldn’t be half bad. Seriously, I need to get a new blanket…and a new topic.

I love being outside. It’s so peaceful, even with the giant backhoe on the other side of my fence that just happens to be creating a mini earthquake. Pushing that aside, there is such beauty that we take for granted. A Monarch butterfly just landed on a dandelion two feet away from me. Its fragile orange and black wings are fluttering against the breeze as it rests on the bright yellow puff ball. A bee lands on a closer flower that’s not even a foot away. My heart flutters a little as I consider the fact that I’ve never been stung. Do I flee or do I watch it gather essential pollen? Do I bring attention to myself and cause it to signal for all its bee buddies thus triggering a preemptive strike? I am unarmed, therefore I will remain silent and still. A bright blue fly just landed on the grass next to me. It has big bug eyes (no pun intended.) and is quite enormous and slow. The blade of grass groaned from the weight of the blue, bug eyed wonder. No wait…that was me groaning. The neighbors’ cat just walked across my back. What am I some sort of human bridge? Now she’s trying to eat my tissue box. Finally she decided to lie on my back. I have officially become furniture. I guess that’s better than becoming the litter box.

And there you have it, the moral of this blog. Find beauty in everything around you. The world is full of small wonders and if we pay attention, we will see them. So I declare, get some Vitamin D and let small animals use you as furniture. But don’t become a litter box. That just stinks!


Brea Marie said...

You are too cute! You are an amazing writer. Seriously! I hope you get feeling better soon.

Tawni said...

You are so awesome! Have fun on tour!

Janel said...

You are so funny, even when you're not on cold medicine! I hope I didn't give you my cold. :(

Feel better soon, and thanks again for Anne!

Jewelsp said...

I tried to imitate you yesterday by soaking my does of Vitamin D. Unfortunately, though no cats sat on me, I did receive an over-dose and am, subsequently, currently resembling a large tomato.
Thanks for the laughs!!

Katie said...

You know what was really beautiful? The wonderful job you did with the accompaniment for the CES fireside.

Seriously--I live in SLC, and my neighbors thought I was deliriously crazy once the choir started singing. Especially because I labeled you all as mine. ("That's my Andrea! And my Janel!" etc. :))

Serket said...

It sounds like you had a good time, thanks for sharing!

Heather~Marie said...

You make me laugh. Oh man I miss you! :) Well...before I start crying, I'll tell you that you are wonderful and thanks for making me smile :) Have a great day!