Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Pi-Day/My Day

It started out as Pi-Day but it turned out to be much more… 

Sorry guys, I have this random announcer voice in my brain.  It appears frequently.  I should have written about this a week ago, but I've been quite busy.  The day was indeed Pi-Day or as normal people would call it, March 14, 2009.  I had one of the most amazing and over-whelming days of my life.  I was able to go through the Ogden Temple.  This is a momentous occasion for those in my religion.  Most individuals go through before their mission or before being sealed (married) in the Temple.  I did not go through for either of those reasons.  I went through for myself.  It is one of the best decisions I have ever made even though I had to wait for it. 

Almost four years ago, I turned 21.  I fasted and prayed about going on a mission and it wasn’t right for me at that time but I felt that I had a mission to serve here at home (I believe that mission was my service on the dance team and in the choir).  However, it also felt like the right time to go through the Temple.  I approached my bishop and he dug around to find out if I could.  I was rejected.  He told me that the church leaders wanted the young women to be at least 23 before they went through unless, of course, they were going on a mission or getting married.  At the age of 23, I went back only to be rejected a second time.  I became extremely discouraged.  A year and a half later (this last January), my friend Jewelsp decided to meet with the Bishop in regards to that very topic.  She was given a very encouraging answer.  If it weren’t for her following her own personal prompting, I probably wouldn’t have dared approach my current bishop.  But I did and now I have received some very sacred gifts and blessings.

 I’m very grateful that I was required to wait.  First of all, seven months ago my roommates and I set aside one night a week to do baptisms and in so doing established a place in our lives for the things of the Temple.  And Second, I felt much more ready than I would have four years ago or even seven months ago.  I was open to the things I learned and was prepared for the covenants that I made.  I feel so blessed and very special.  According to my Mom and roommates I act different: more confident, happier, peaceful, and tolerant.  I’m glad because honestly, last year I had the worst attitude.  When this year rolled around, I was determined to change that attitude and I believe it has happened…for the most part.  I still have the feisty and stubborn Annie in me. 

 Anyway, my family and I went to The Sizzler after.  I am so grateful for my fantastic family!  They are the best support system and I’m so glad that we are a forever family!  It would not be heaven without them.  I love you guys! 

In spite of the wonderful events, there was one thing missing: 



Jewelsp said...

And thus began "Holy Pi Day." For you did taste of exceedingly sweet fruit and it was very joyous. :) Congratulations!!!!

Tawni said...

Congrats! I'm glad you were able to go through.

Lanae said...

It was a very special day. Thanks for making it a goal. You were so prepared and I loved being your escort. You're the best, Annie!

Alisha said...

What an amazing day! I am so grateful that we got to be there with you! I love you, Annie!! :)

Janel said...

How on earth did we let that day go by without eating pie!?!?

Oh and congratulations!!!! :)

Serket said...

Congratulations on a momentous experience! The odd date will allow you remember the anniversary.