Saturday, February 21, 2009

It's Not What You Think

Last night brought about an event that was a first in the Book of Annie. I went to a bar. I’ll wait…I can almost hear the inevitable gasps. Actually, it wasn’t really a first. When I was in France, I went to a bar and was kicked out for buying a Coke. But last night was the first time I’ve been to an honest to goodness “show your ID or get booted out” bar. The funny thing is that it was my entire families first time also. It made me feel better. Yes, it was a family excursion. It was rather obvious that it was foreign territory by the way our eyes cautiously darted around the room and the way we hesitantly ordered Diet Cokes. But you are probably wondering why we had such an abnormal family night. Allow me to explain.

My brother is the lead singer in a band called Beckond. They are incredible! They had a gig last night at Teazer’s in Ogden and they were selling their first CD for $5; an opportunity we couldn’t pass up. But you have to understand. My family is very supportive of each other and we really just wanted to be there for the guys. We “groupies” try to go to all their shows and have only missed a select few. It was an odd experience, I must say. It’s rather difficult being a single, alcohol-free, LDS woman in a bar. I found myself looking at some of the guys and thinking, “He’s attractive…but wait. He’s in a bar. He’s probably a drinker. Dang-it!” There were a few people there that I know were just supporting the band and not involving themselves in the ubiquitous alcohol. But how is a girl supposed to deduce who is a drinker and who isn’t? That, my friends, is why (even though one of my bosses told me I need to “find someone” and that I should expand my social circle) I don’t go to clubs and bars. Besides the fact that I hate the atmosphere, I don’t drink (never have), don’t smoke, don’t dress skimpily, and am trying to live righteously. Hence, no bars for me!

Funny story: One guy came up to my sister-in-law. He was obviously inebriated. He asked her if she wanted to dance. She couldn’t understand him because it was extremely loud. I heard and tried to tell her what he said. He repeated himself about three times. I finally turned to the guy and said, “Um…she’s married.” You should have seen how fast he vacated the area. When I told my brother (because I thought it was rather humorous), I swear, there was steam coming out of his ears. What can you do? The dude was drunk and Yuni is “smoking hot”! (I was quoting my brother there. But he’s right. She is a gorgeous woman.)

So…I just enjoyed the music. Believe me; Beckond has every chance at making it big! And I think they will! Way to go Rye, Brody, Trent, Jared, and Brad! You guys ROCK! (The funny thing is that I think my brother is the only one that will ever see this. Oh well.)


Brea Marie said...

Your back!! Hurray. I missed your writing. My only experience in a bar, I was there to be a DD (designated driver). So everyone kept buying me Dr. Peppers. I almost got kicked out for drinking two of them at the same time. Hey, I create my own insanity, why the heck would I need alcohol?? It was a great night. Sounds like your's was great too. I will have to watch for Beckond. What genre of music do they play?

Annie said...

They play more alternative rock type music. It's than my parents are used to, but I love it! They're starting to write some softer songs as well. They are very talented. I'm a very proud sister (if it's not obvious). ;)

Lanae said...

That was my first time at a bar and I'm old. It did feel weird, but Beckond did a great job. I love the CD even though it's not my type music. I'm glad to see you back writing Andrea. I've missed it. I love you.

Tiff said...

LOL, I totally can't picture you in a bar! I just wanted to say thanks for the comment you left on my blog. It really was good seeing you Sunday. Hope we can get together sometime soon. I haven't hung out with friends in a long time and I am in desperate need of some friend time!! :0) Love ya!

Serket said...

Now I am caught up on your blog and it was fun reading the previous posts. I've been to a veterans bar a few times, but it wasn't very fun. It does surprise me that your family would go to one! I enjoy alternative rock, so perhaps I would like their music.

Annica said...

So... uh.... I saw you at the bar. I was at the bar to see THE SAME BAND because I am friends with Jared. That was also my first time at the bar. When we got there, I turned to my boyfriend and said "There are cigarettes in the vending machine." I am so naive!

Annie said...

Yeah, Annica. I felt SO stupid when I saw you. I thought, "Oh crap, this looks great!" It's a completely different environment, isn't it. I'm glad we don't frequent those kind of places. And don't feel bad. I didn't know about the cigarettes either. Crazy!

Even though it was shocking that my family went to a bar, we were only there to support my brother and the band. I promise! It's definitely not something we plan on making a habit. (And Serket, my Mom was embarrassed when she read your comment. We really don't go to bars.) :)

Janint said...

That was so funny! Yuni didn't tell me that incident. I must confess I went to bars durign my college years. Not very often but still I've been there and it can be funny when you see guys all drunk and making a fool of themselves. I'm not saying it was a good thing. Good for Beckond, Yuni already got me a CD, I'm just waiting now to get it! Great blog!

Serket said...

My apologies to your mother. I can imagine it was an awkward experience.

Mrs. M. said...

Did I ever tell you that I love your blog Andrea?! You are awesome! I've missed you!

anne bilanzich said...

Well Andrea, I have to admit I have been in a bar before, more than once in my younger days. In Ireland, that's all there is..& that's before the "no smoking" law, so you would come out smelling nasty. I think you guys are awesome supporting Ryan...our fam would do the same, althought a bit uncomfortable. Ryan's band sounds amazing!