Thursday, December 4, 2008

16 Random Things

I was tagged on Facebook by Confuzzled to write 16 random things, facts, habits, or goals about myself or just...whatever. Since my blog-writing has left a lot to be desired recently, I decided to post it here as well. Thanks to those of you who left comments on my last post. I agree with you about friends. It’s nice to know others feel the same way. And now, on with the show!

1. I think one of the most unique things about me is the number five. I’m five feet tall. I wear size five shoes (well, five and a half depending on the shoe). My ring size is also a five. That, of course, also depends on which finger you’re referring. There are five people in my immediate family. I frequently count by fives at my job (alright, that’s stretching it a tad, but I couldn’t help myself).

2. I randomly dance around the house or office when I’m alone. Dancing is one of my favorite pastimes and unfortunately I’m not involved in a dance team anymore. It’s not uncommon for my face to turn beet red as someone walks in and catches me mid-waltz, clog, salsa, or other. I break into whatever dance my current mood demands.

3. In addition to what was previously mentioned, I also like to burst into song when I’m alone; especially when I do laundry. I find it therapeutic.

4. I am actually a very shy individual; very introverted; pensive. That is, until I get to know people, then I can break myself out of that shell. Sometimes I force myself to be outgoing, which can be extremely difficult. If I can talk, joke, and just be myself around you…consider yourself privileged. :D Oh, and my friends have disagreed with me about this. They don’t think I’m shy at all. That’s because I’ve developed a mighty fine façade. Bully for Grandma!

5. As I said, I can be very quiet, but when I get myself alone, sometimes I won’t shut up! I talk to myself frequently. Not necessarily to myself (“Hi Andrea! How are you?” “I’m doing well, Andrea! Shucks, it’s been a while!”), but I have imaginary conversations with people. For example, if I’m attracted to a guy, I imagine myself having more of a bold personality and approaching him with witty, delightful conversation. On the other hand, one of my favorite ways to deal with problems is to yell at or have a “frank discussion” with the individual…without them actually being present. It works quite well until I rile myself up even more. Hmmm…probably shouldn’t do that.

6. I’m blessed to be perspicacious and intuitive when it comes to others. If they are wearing a façade, unless it is flawlessly constructed like mine [facetious smirk], I can see through them easily, though I may not make that known to the individual. I can detect a genuine smile versus a fake with little problem. So be careful if you’re going to be artificial with me…I know. Actually, I took a quiz testing smiles from those specific categories and I did an extraordinary job (18 out of 20, if I remember correctly)! Aw yeah!

7. Writing is one of my passions, though I don’t do it as often as I would like. I used to write on my blog frequently and that has significantly decreased as some of you are already aware. It’s a hobby I should renew, if not for pure enjoyment, for my sanity. Not only do I love to write, I love to read!!! 8. Audible mastication is something I find thoroughly irritating. As irritating as chewing is, it’s also just plain disgusting. I try not to pay attention, but inevitably my concentration becomes squarely focused on the irritant.

9. I love working with my hands; building anything. I absolutely love tools. It was interesting what happened on Thanksgiving. My family was playing a game where you pick what choice you think suits a specific player. For example, “if Andrea were a sport, what would she be?” The choices: Basketball, Baseball, Golf, Soccer, Tennis, or Swimming. The other players then choose what they deem most accurate. In my case, the question was actually “What kind of store would Andrea most like working in?” The answers: Big 5 Sporting Goods, Claire’s (Jewelry), Lowe’s Hardware, Tiffany’s, McDonalds, or a Farm. Everyone picked Lowe’s Hardware except my Bro-in-law. He apparently didn’t know that about me.

10. I haven’t purchased any Christmas presents yet. Oops. I’m usually on top of this game, but this year has brought about gargantuan changes in life. Therefore, it kind of slipped my mind.

11. I miss the piano SO much!!!! I only get to play once a week now. It’s as if I’ve lost an appendage. Seriously. I don’t want to lose all of the ability I’ve gained over the past couple years. That is a significant worry for me.

12. Learning is something I love to do…when it’s on my own time. I am not a fan of school. When I am interested in a subject, I research it to death (no pun intended). There’s an interesting story behind that last remark (or bizarre depending on how you look at it). After my Grandpa passed away, I had this odd desire to learn all I could about embalming and cremation. And so I did. It was fascinating and disturbing. However, if it’s for a school project (which I don’t have anymore) I lose all motivation. Weird, huh!

13. I love the TV show “Pushing Daisies”, which I’m currently watching on my IPod. Yes, I’m watching and typing and [shifty eyes] working at the same time.

14. Which brings me to this fact: I can multitask exceedingly well. Fancy that!

15. As well as the written word, I love numbers. I’m over accounts at my work and with the way some of the other employees add…it’s a good thing I know what I’m doing. Their accuracy leaves a lot to be desired. Also, I have always been able to memorize numbers with ease. If my mom ever needed to remember a phone number, she told it to me. I, in essence, became the Uhrey phone book. I can still remember things well, but not as effortlessly as I used to. I guess that shows I’m getting old. Oh well.

16. I love reading blogs. Friends’ blogs are the best because, of course, I love them. However, Mental Floss and Cake Wrecks are two of my absolute favorite. Useless facts and hilarity; how can you go wrong?


Katie said...

Yay! I'm glad you did it. I knew your list would be interesting. Because you're just fabulous that way.

Isn't it a crying shame they canceled Pushing Daisies? Why does nobody these days have the ability to recognize an excellent TV show when they see one???

And amen to what you said about the piano. My parents get to hear me every time I come home, because I don't have a piano here, either.

Brea Marie said...

I can't stand to hear people chew their food either! Makes me think of cows chewing their cud (sp?). Seriously makes me want to vomit when they won't stop. I love reading friends blogs too. You are such a sweet girl and I love reading what you write.

Annica said...

Andrea, I absolutely ADORE you! And, I hope you will come to the Christmas show this weekend!

Lanae said...

I know you very well, so I enjoyed the things you mentioned. I will say that I appreciate your memory and how good you were to remember the phone numbers. That was such a BIG help.

I miss hearing you play the piano daily, but enjoy it when you come home.

Thanks for sharing.